Charity Adverts (REVISION)
The purpose, media language and conventions of charity adverts.
The purpose of charity advertisements is to raise awareness and encourage donations. charity and health advertisements use shocking images in their campaigns and adverts in order to get the message out. also, by using shocking images, it creates a more serious sense and it tries to make the audience donate because of what they're seeing. these are called hard sell tactics. media language is the language (text) that is carried across adverts. this creates a meaning for the reader. the text is constructed based on the situation its being used in e.g. charities. examples of media language are print, audio-visual.
Establishing the content/genre
this advertisement was a 1 min and 30 sec advertisement which was released in early 2014. the video features a young British girl experiencing the impacts of a civil war happing on the streets of london. the video is showing a second a day of her live for a whole year .in the girls life starting from her birthday. the first seconds shows that she lives a normal and ordinary lifestyle. getting between the middle and the end, a war ignites in London and we can see her point of video of the video. the end of her video shows that its her birthday.
Camera angle and mode of address
In the advert, the camera angle is faced at the young girls face throughout the whole video. In some parts of the video, from what we view, the girl is directly looking at us. This camera angle used is special and its used because most kids are vulnerable. also, kids can create a sense of happinesses. its also being used to show that the audience need to help the child. furthermore, the fact that is a close up angle of the girl draws the audience attention that she is important in the advert
Audio codes
Audio codes are based off the music in the advert. its also based of voiceovers, dialogue and sound effects. throughout the video, their is no music, no special effects but we can her the voices of people in the background and the little girl. the use of no audio can describe the partly describe the situation because you can hear what is going on throughout.
Visual codes
The main camera is faced at girl throughout the whole video. from this we can see her facial expressions meaning we can see how she's feeling in daily situations (happy, sad, angry etc...).
The colours of the video are mainly bright at the start, but start to turn dark when the war breaks out.
Hard sell technique
Hard sell technique is a type of way to sell an advert. Its usually aggressive loud and maybe short. The purpose of hard sell is to give clear information about the advert, raise awareness and encourage donations. Charity and health advertisements use shocking images in their campaigns and adverts in order to get the message out. also, by using shocking images, it creates a more serious sense and it tries to make the audience donate because of what they're seeing.
In this chosen advert, we can see that it is a hard sell. We know this by the way we can view the war and terror happening around the girl. This is a reference to actual wars and destruction going on around in the world. When people view this, they may get an understanding on whats going on and it may want them to donate.
Audio codes are based off the music in the advert. its also based of voiceovers, dialogue and sound effects. throughout the video, their is no music, no special effects but we can her the voices of people in the background and the little girl. the use of no audio can describe the partly describe the situation because you can hear what is going on throughout.
Visual codes
The main camera is faced at girl throughout the whole video. from this we can see her facial expressions meaning we can see how she's feeling in daily situations (happy, sad, angry etc...).
The colours of the video are mainly bright at the start, but start to turn dark when the war breaks out.
Hard sell technique
Hard sell technique is a type of way to sell an advert. Its usually aggressive loud and maybe short. The purpose of hard sell is to give clear information about the advert, raise awareness and encourage donations. Charity and health advertisements use shocking images in their campaigns and adverts in order to get the message out. also, by using shocking images, it creates a more serious sense and it tries to make the audience donate because of what they're seeing.
In this chosen advert, we can see that it is a hard sell. We know this by the way we can view the war and terror happening around the girl. This is a reference to actual wars and destruction going on around in the world. When people view this, they may get an understanding on whats going on and it may want them to donate.
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